Filming Blog: Gatorade Commercial
Today I filmed the final 3 scenes for the commercial, like the previous two scenes we struggled at first with things like lighting. It was hotter than normal today so the sun really started to impact the quality of the scenes as well. So i took a little break from filming and rehydrated so that I wouldn’t fall out from heat exhaustion. After a while I got back to filming the scenes and the quality just kept getting better and better. Until I finally got that perfect shot where everything ran smoothly from the acting to the lighting but that was only the first scene of the day.
I took another brief break after getting the desired shot for scene number 3. This scene was the hardest of the bunch to film because I wanted to get a perfect transition from scene 3 to scene 4 so it is visually pleasing. For this scene I had to do a close up shot which it was my first time performing this type of camera angle. This was the first of two close up scenes that I had to film for the commercial so I had to make some adjustments to how I was filming and quickly.Once I figured out a good technique for how to get the transition that I needed everything else fell right into place.
Then it was on to the final scene I could practically see the finish line on the other side. The final scene was the easiest of them all that needed to be done was simply film the actor drinking the Gatorade for 5-6 then end the shot. I kinda had to rush this shot because I only had little bit more time to film and this was the last day that I had to film before I had to start the editing process. Lucky for me the lightning and acting was perfect and I was able to get the scene I needed in 3 takes. Before I left the track I made sure that every scene was to my liking and made sure that no adjustments needed to be made.
The second day was way easier than the first there were so little bumps in bruises but it was a good day. For my first filming experience I really enjoyed it I didn’t think I would like it this much but it was to much fun. With this experience I might adapt filming little skits as a hobby after school as something to pass time. Now that the filming process is over though I compiled the clips from the first day of filming and the second day and got too work on piecing things together. So that I would be fully prepared for the editing stages and hopefully have some more fun with the filming process .
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