Genre Research: Romance/Romantic Dramas

 The romance is a more vibrant genre with many components that display happiness. Romance films will often have a twist but at the end the main point in the film is about the pursuit of love between two characters. Romance is not only its own genre, but it can be branched off into many separate genres like thriller, Comedy, Drama, and sometimes even horror films. Common lighting usually seen in romance includes high key lighting in which makes the seen more cheerful. This effect is created with vibrant colors that make the audience feel welcome and calmed. 

 One of the most common camera angles in the romance world are close shots. Which allows the audience to examine the characters face to see their feelings and emotions which a key component of the romance is seeing as romance is strong emotions between two people. Another common camera angle seen in romance films are over the shoulder shots. It captures the face expressions and body language of the person in which an actor is talking to and how they react to what they are saying. Common sounds heard in romance movies are usually diegetic and non-diegetic. For example, a musical that has romance incorporated into it includes singing and it helps exaggerate the feelings the characters may have towards another character. Sometimes sounds may be played on top of a character speaking to really boost the emotions felt in the scene while also showing the characters emotion towards something or someone else. 


Romantic Dramas are fictional representation style through dialogue and performance which often incorporates the same components as romance. Common lighting includes three-point lighting, high-key lighting, back lighting, and low-key lighting. These are used to set the different moods for different scenes during whatever situation. Common camera angles low angles in which it would characterize the subject as superior or high leveled, high angle in which would characterize the subject as inferior, and canted angles. Common movements are dolly, tilt, pan, zoom/reverse, etc. These are used to capture the emotions of a character during a scene. Elements of romance drama includes plot, diction, character, and character thoughts. Some of the films that incorporate these components in the romance drama are Little Italy, Fifty Shades Freed, and Destination Wedding.

The components in which I like about the romance genre is the fact that a various number of sounds are used to engage the audience the relationship between two different characters, and I feel as if that would be interesting to incorporate into my own piece. The components in which I don’t like about the romance genre is the constant use of the close shot throughout a romance film. I don’t like this component because I feel that in a romance film you should incorporate some medium shots to really capture the passion between two characters instead of always being close-up to the affection.


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