Title Design Research: Underwater
The film that I will talking about next is a film named Underwater released in 2020. The opening sequence start with all the studios that worked on the film before revealing the title of the film. The studios and film title were presented in a descending matter. As one group of text was displayed the next group of text would display under that first. As if to create a sense of descending deeper into the abyss which would be suiting towards the title of the film.
Throughout the opening sequence there were a total of 17 titles displayed on screen. In which I will list based upon when the order they appear on screen after the studios. The first group of titles included all the actors that stared in the film, who oversaw casting for the film and who the music in the film was by. The next group of titles that were displayed were the visual effects supervisor, editors, and production design. Followed by the executive producer, producers, creator of the story for the film, screenplay, and director. The titles for the film were displayed on newspaper article titles, which serves as a source of background information as to what will be taking place in the film and how it came to be.
Based on what I have seen in the opening sequence there is not really any conventions that scream horror film. Although the images depict the atmosphere in which the film will be taking place. The strategies used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience would have to be the setting choice in the opening sequence of the film. That give the audience a preview of what is to come in the next sequences in the film. The technology and editing techniques, based off the intro sequence, appeals to the audiences' eye. Switching between news articles with titles that pop out at you and let you know what led to this moment in time. So that you are not left in the dark about what is going on and try to catch up. The opening sequence ends with the camera in a Dutch angle as it shows what appears to be an underwater elevator. Almost as if it was what was used by the characters in the film to reach a certain depth.
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