My Pitch

 1st Pitch- A female teens worst nightmare comes to fruition as she is pursued around town by a masked entity. Consuming the lives of those in which she holds dearest while seemingly looming over her shoulder.

2nd Pitch- A man who is serves as an office worker is called to duty by his country leaders. As the war progresses defeat seems imminent until he takes action into his own hands and becomes a national hero.

1st pitch analysis- I believe that this pitch would be interesting to carry about because it provides an interesting story in just a few short lines. I believe if this idea were to be pitched to a big time director they would be enticed by the detailed description of the films plot. The pitch also leaves space for a lot of creative input so that I can really take control of the film. Also I believe something like this would allow me to input all of the different camera movements and edits I've learned this year.   For example the scenes where the actor is traveling around town would be fun to film allowing me to apply many different camera angles as the actor speeds around. It would also be fun to play with some effects to make it appear as if the masked entity is actually present at certain points in time when in reality it is just the main character hallucinating due to induced stress. 

2nd pitch analysis- I don't think this pitch would be very successful because the pitch idea presented isn't   different from the plot of other war movies. Which makes the pitch is appear bland and lacking a solid creative direction by not providing much insight of the intentions of the film. If a director were to hear this they would probably disregard it because it sounds like the generic war movie that has been recreated over and over. It would also prove pretty difficult to record for this film and find a space where a war scene could be filmed and look like effort was put into it. The story telling aspect of the film would be there but I feel as if nothing will catch the audiences attention, because they've probably scene it before in a war hero movie.

Chosen Pitch Restated: Female teen become distraught when her worst nightmare becomes a reality. Consuming the lives of all in which she values, as she seeks shelter from its grasp in a chase around town. 

I decided to go with the first pitch, because it has more foundation to it and allows for a lot of creative input during the film making process.


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