Planning Blog: Script

 Scene 1 

- Panning Shot- Outside of the home in which most of the film will be taking place.

- Non-Diegetic Sound- Upbeat Soundtrack 

-Lighting- This scene will be filmed about midday so that the transition into the next scene seems natural.

Scene 2

- Actor 1- Sitting on a couch within the house on the phone 

-Lighting- TV will be used as light 

Scene 3

-Actor 1- Start a phone call

Non Diegetic Sound- Upbeat music will be quite then it was thought the first two scenes before completly going away.

Scene 4

Actor 1- "Hey what's up with you today"

Scene 5

Actor 1- "Are you trying to do something tomorrow night or do you have to work"

Scene 6 

Actor 1- "Maybe we could do dinner with some of the other girls"

Scene 7 

Actor 1- So we're on for dinner tomorrow night with the girls.

Scene 8

- Actor 1 starts pacing back and forth while still on the phone.

Scene 9

- A figure who's face has yet to be revealed is walking in the backyard of the house shown in the Opening scene of the film. 

Scene 10

- The Figure approaches a door with glass windows 

Scene 11 

- The figure is standing in the glass door noticed by Actor 1 staring at her

- Actor 1 will be looking down at their phone 

Scene 12 

- Actor 1 - "We were talking about going out to dinner with the girls tonight"

Scene 13 

- Actor 1- " What do you think about us going to dinner at 8 o clock"

Scene 14 

-Actor 1- "I am not sure of what I want to wear to dinner "

Actor 15

- Actor 1 "I bought a blush dress from the mall last week that I may wear to dinner "

Scene 16

-Actor 1- "I think that is

-Diegetic Sound- Loud bang on the glass door in which the figure was standing by.

Scene 17 

-Actor 1 will be gasping in fear and shock 

Scene 18 

- Capturing the distraught look on the characters face as she gets ready to reply to her friend

Scene 19

-Actor 1- "I don't know what that was but it almost broke down the door"

Scene 20

-Actor1 - "Whatever it was Im glad that it didn't damage anything"

Scene 21

-Actor1 - "I'm ok but I think someone just tried to break into my house."

Scene 22

-Actor 1- "I'm going to call you back,  I think I need a moment to myself"

- The actor turns around and sees the figure standing in the window.

Scene 23 

- Actor 1 screams then the screen starts to fade to black 

Scene 24-29 

- Will be a black screen with blood flowing down it as titles appear

Scene 30

- The Final scene will be a back screen with blood flowing onto the screen while revealing who the film was directed by.



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